Saturday, June 8, 2013

Ablutions & La Donna e Mobile

It's now the last day of the Ignite Festival. I saw too many plays yesterday to write about, so I'll just briefly highlight my favourites.

'Ablutions' by Fellswoop, The Bike Shed Theatre
I'm not usually a fan of stories centering around alcoholics just because I find it hard to muster sympathy or empathy for them, but the quality of the acting from Fellswoop Theatre pushed this play in to my favourites of the festival. With no sets or props they conjured up a depressing American bar full of no-hopers and drug addicts, with the barman trying to make a clean break from that life.

Last chance to see it is today at 8.40pm.

'La Donna e Mobile' by Remote Control Theatre, The Bike Shed Theatre
I'm not sure I can tell you what this play is about. Partly because I'm still working out the answer for myself, and partly because I think you should go and see it with an open mind and make your own decisions. I will however tell you that it's amazing, full of bold striking imagery and theatrics, and women with very good core body strength.

This show has finished at Ignite, but at the end they mentioned they would be performing it in Edinburgh later this year.

Also, not actually a play, but Jonny and the Baptists were brilliant

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